Welcome to Teak Wood Timber. Through our skilled and dedicated workforce, we operate one of the most technologically advanced and efficient sawmills in Europe. We ship our lumber to customers around the MENA Region who understand the value you get from quality. Please explore with us so you can get to know why and how we strive to provide: Quality in Every Dimension.

Teak Wood Timber is one of UAE’s leading full service distributors and remanufacturers of White Wood. We manufacture SPF (Spruce-Pine-Fir) dimension lumber – available in a variety of sizes, lengths and grades.


Our Fibre

The quality of the timber that grows in our backyard is unmatched, and our woodlands division has an uncompromising focus on managing the resources sustainably.

Our Forests

Our commitment to economic and environmental sustainability is demonstrated by our environmental policy and our adherence to the certification standards of the sustainable forest initiative program.

Quality in Every Dimension

At Teak Wood Timber, quality is a focus in everything we do. We believe the product we manufacture is among the highest quality lumber in the world.